I've bought a camera to replace the one I left on the train several weeks back. It's a sophisticated Sony that I got after hours of research on Ebay and is a perfect match for the lenses and accessories left over from the old one. It has a "panorama" feature, which I used to take this picture of Dobson's Quay, the neighbouring pizzeria and the River Trent.

The autumn colours here are amazing and after my morning run I went out with my camera to capture them. The landscape is covered with these fabulous dead leaves picking out the trees in gold and giving them golden shadows.

Then I walked to the market and found there's a stall there selling second hand camera equipment and I bought an old Minolta 50mm prime lens from this man (I used the lens which I was testing) for a mere £30. It's called a "prime" as it has a fixed focal length, i.e. you can't zoom it, which makes it simple and fast to focus and 50mm is the "classic" focal length, being closest to what we see from the unadjusted eye.
And here's a "panorama" shot of the market -
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