Democratic Circus?

I could tell when I went to the running track yesterday evening that something big was going down in Saratok - a marquee had been erected and a little wooden walkway from the track to the car park. Sure enough, this morning five helicopters descended on the track, greeted by a motorcade and police motorbike escort to whisk the Prime Minister of Malaysia, Najib Razak to a political rally in the centre of town. With him was the local Barisan Nasional candidate and Abdul Taib Mahmud, the First Chief Minister of Sarawak. I decided to follow the commotion and cycle into Saratok with my camera. There's a general election here on 5th May and I'm increasingly curious about what will happen. Barisan Nasional (BN or the National Front) has been in power here since Malaysia became independent in the early sixties. It's a complex coalition of political parties representing the main ethnic groups in Malaysia, (Malay, Chinese, Indian and indigenous trib...