Christmas in Sarawak

We decided to go away for a few days around Christmas and booked three nights in a smart hotel in Kuching, the regional capital and three nights at a small beach resort, Sematan, in the far west of Sarawak. The Pullman in Kuching was much as one would expect. Nice rooms, big bathrooms, big breakfast buffets and lots of affluent looking people traipsing up and down. It was OK but not an experience either of us feel in a hurry to repeat. I like smartish hotels but I don't feel so comfortable in them here, maybe because they make me feel more part of an affluent elite that I don't want to admit to belonging to. If so, this is probably hypocrisy. On 27 December we drove to the Sematan Beach resort, which was much more fun. A collection of chalets on the edge of the South China sea facing a massive sandy beach where the tide goes out by about half a kilometre. Our booking included a buffet breakfast and evening meal and the resort was packed with mainl...