Pushing Dad

Looking at the picture now it encapsulates for me an ironic reversal of roles: when I was young my Dad would drag me out of bed to go for a run with him. I was fat and unfit and I hated those runs, my Dad charging ahead, exhorting me to keep going and not to be "a quitter."
Dad has always relied a great deal on physical fitness to feel good about himself. So the last few years during which he has had a stroke and lost mobility have been especially hard for him. But, his physical decline has given me a spur to become fitter and stronger. When I started running a couple of years ago I found to my surprise that I actually enjoyed it and that what I had hated on those cold Winter mornings all those years ago, was not the running, but his exhortations. I was never "a quitter" in the sense that he used it, because it was his ambition that I should run with him in the mornings not mine.
And so now I push my Dad as once he pushed me. And as I push I try to accommodate these thoughts with other more generous ones of love and compassion for an old man shu

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