We continued our slow progress south arriving in the small port of Arbatax on the 15th of July, where we met Keith and Doreen. If one of the things we are doing is finding out about different lifestyles and how to construct a new life for ourselves, then these two are a very interesting example. Keith is sixty and a retired fireman from Coleshill in the West Midlands and Doreen is a Londoner in her mid-forties. They met when Keith was cruising around Spain in his catamaran “Atreyu” about eight years ago and over the last five years or so they have created a life which seems to suit them remarkably well. They spend their winters in Coleshill, where Doreen works in an Asda Supermarket and their summers in Arbatax. In April they load their old Mercedes up and drive from the West Midlands to Sardinia, where they prepare and launch the boat, then spend the summer cruising and socialising. Doreen speaks good Italian and they have a wide network of friends in Arbatax and Coleshill and seem to enjoy the change from one place to the other and getting the best out of the two very different cultures. As Keith says “our friends at home assume that we must be rich to have this lifestyle, actually it costs us no more, possibly less, than living in the West Midlands all year round”.

The next evening we hung around Arbatax port with Keith and
Doreen for the start of the annual town festival. There were crowds of what seemed mainly local
people being served plates of mussels by members of the local fishing
cooperative from two enormous steaming pans.
There was a small funfair, where we rode the dodgems and went on one of
those big cars shaped like a boat which swing up and down, pendulum fashion
until you feel queasy. Oddly, the
centrepiece of the evening’s entertainment was a display of Portuguese folk
As we motored out of the harbour on our way down the coast,
Arbatax and its hinterland made me think of all things of rural Ireland,
although without the clouds and torrential rain. A world where people do what they do,
projects get half-finished and tourists are treated with low-key hospitality
and perhaps a degree of puzzlement as to why on earth they’ve come here when
they probably have their own perfectly good homes.
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