Arriving in Cagliari

We’ve now reached Cagliari the capital of Sardinia, at the island’s southern tip. We’re in a small marina tucked into a far corner of the big harbour. It’s the kind of marina I like, a collection of rickety pontoons full of small local boats, where people pop down after work of an evening to tinker or go for a quick sail off the harbour mouth. It could be one of a score of little places on the East Coast of England, except the setting Sun is a bright yellow disc in an orange-brown haze and there’s is a wind blowing like you feel when you open a fan oven. In the middle distance I can see the old town of Cagliari on its defensive promontory, the ancient centre of what is now a large urban tower-block sprawl of some quarter of a million inhabitants. Across the harbour there is a flight of flamingos silhouetted by the setting Sun, something may have disturbed them from one of the salt lakes behind the City. They fly in a straggl...