May 2021

On the first of the month we had a delightful surprise visit from our friends Ruth and Subash and their children Suresh and Ezhilvizhi to introduce us to their new baby, Rajendra. On the fourth I got my second covid jab at the Newark showground, just outside the town. I can't help feeling a peculiar kind of pride in the way human science has risen to the challenge and developed effective vaccines in just a few short months. It seems the risk has to be immediate and palpable before we can mobilise our efforts in this way, while we look on in despair at the challenge of climate change or just carry on as if it doesn't exist. Our daily Poppy walks continue to give us exercise and continuity and a widening circle of friends. This is Zak, a gentle giant who Poppy seems to adore. This year has been fairly busy with celebrancy work and May was no exception, including my first funeral where I encountered rival funeral parties. I met most of the mourners in the...