Farewell Anne, farewell Joyce

Early this month we got the very sad news from our friend Bernie that his wife Anne had died, following her second liver transplant just before Christmas. Anne was a fellow public sector accountant and I'd known her since the mid-nineties. Bernie and Anne came out to see us when La Fulica was in Catania harbour in Sicily in August 2003, when we were in the middle of that fantastic hot summer cruising the Italian coast and islands. They did us the great and very generous favour of paying for us to jojn them in the Villa Politi, a beautiful hotel with pool in Syracusa. Later they came to visit us in Puglia. Anne's liver failed catastrophically and without warning about ten years ago and she showed enormous courage and determination over her first transplant, which gave her another decade of active life. She was such a force in life it's hard to comprehend she's no longer here and I'm sad we didn't see her more often in recent years. Last week my ex-wife...