Yet more moves (January-July 2019)

The New Year saw Sue and I begin our new lives as a UK-based retired couple and life quickly settled into a relaxed swing of shopping, TV, outings, house hunting and eating out. Frankly, even in January we were still good for little else, having exhausted ourselves over the move from Italy. We spent New Year’s Eve with our old friends Carole and Kevin in their newly adopted town of Chester-le-Street and in late January Sue’s friend Sheila came to visit us in Newark. In March we went to Dorset to visit Sue’s friend Cathy and as Spring arrived we began to seriously start looking for a new house. This was given momentum when we also put the apartment in Newark on the market. As a result of having the apartment since 2016 Sue and I had grown comfortable with living in an English market town and decided that a town with an attractive centre, decent shops and good connections with London would be our ideal. We checked out Melton Mowbray, Oakham and several other ...