Our last days in Puglia (2018)

It’s been two and half years since I last updated this blog. I’ve always had an uneasy relationship with blogging and whether it’s an activity I do for myself or to gain the attention of others. If it’s for others then I don’t exactly go out of my way to publicise its existence, so I’ll continue on the basis that it’s a diary which I happen to post on the world wide web. This confusion over why I blog also extends to whether my periodic breaks from blogging are a good or bad thing. Sometimes I think that I stop blogging because I have too much going on in the real world to be bothered with it and at others I feel it’s because I can’t bear to look at my life ebbing its way into oblivion. Anyway, enough of the musing, here is a version of what’s been happening to me… Looking back over my old posts I don’t think I mentioned that having become a Director of the management company of Dobsons Quay, where we’d bought an apartment in 2016, I became embroiled in a bitter ...