Kerala is Red

We're coming to the end of our stay in Kerala and this image, which I took in a small village in the Backwaters yesterday, sums up some of my impressions. Che is everywhere here along with images of Marx and Lenin on the CPI.M (Communist Party of India [Marxist]) banners and flags. I've no idea how Marxism co-exists with Hinduism, Islam and Christianity. For many of the devout maybe Che is just another member of the pantheon of local gods. After our first three days in the cockroach infested tin box we moved to the delightful Raheem's residency next to Alleppey beach. I had the pleasure of running barefoot in the sand there most mornings and we would often take a stroll on the seashore. It's a busy place with people casting nets from the beach, fishing inshore on small rafts and just enjoying the fresh air and the sea. Often while on my early morning run I'd come across the odd bloke squatting in the sand having a shit while smoking a cigarette a...