The Cat Days of August

It's my last chance to write a blog post in August. It's been a busy old month, dominated by hot but changeable weather, with strong winds wooshing through our pine tree and making doors bang and curtains fly in an unsettling manner. The last couple of days have by contrast been hot and still like August in Puglia should be. Sue's sister Julie and her daughters Grace and Alice and son Joe with girlfriend Rachel came in late July and left on 3rd August. While they were here we celebrated mine, Sue and Mimingo's birthdays along with the Convertini family with a barbecue on our terrace. Towards the end of their stay there was the added excitement of Rachel discovering she'd lost her passport on the outward journey, resulting in her having to get a coach to Rome to get emergency papers from the British Consulate. While they were here we all got a lot of entertainment from the antics of two kittens who had been born somewhere near our terrace sometime in June....