Doug the celebrant

It's been a hectic couple of weeks. Funerals work is now starting to come in and the weekend before last I did a course on baby naming. I've done three funerals in the last two weeks and have another one booked for next week, including my dad that means I've done six so far. It's hard and stressful work, but also very rewarding and I've had wonderful feedback so far. There are some frustrations however. My fellow celebrants are a very mixed bunch, some are really great and some are in it because they like the sound of their own voice and/or to allow their prejudices to have a free rein. I am definitely a humanist, but I'm becoming clearer and clearer that I don't especially want to conduct "humanist" funerals, I would rather conduct a funeral as a humanist, which for me is quite a different thing. Lots of my colleagues have a hatred, even a fear, of any religious references within a service, thus creating a kind of "humanist space...