Keith Ramtahal

A couple of weeks ago Sue heard that her good friend Keith was seriously ill in hospital and unlikely to survive. He died a few days later on 12 January 2015. His life-long partner Steve died in early 2014, a fact we only learned from the same friend that told Sue how ill he was. He came to visit us in Borneo in 2012; this is a picture of him posing with bananas during a walk in the Saratok rice paddies. We were worried about him then as he was drinking a lot and seemed frail and depressed. I especially remember one afternoon during his visit. We were staying at our favourite hotel in Kuching and I was on the walkway outside our first floor room enjoying the view over the hotel's tropical grounds. I looked down and saw Keith standing by the pool looking up at me. He quickly shifted his gaze as if I'd somehow caught him out. Which in a way I suspect I had, because at that moment I thought I saw in his eyes a deep longing and sadness. ...