Out of the Way Places

Sometimes when I'm travelling I get up early, put my running shoes on and just jog for fifteen minutes or half and hour, stop, look around at where my legs have taken me, then run back the way I came. This habit has taken me to some interesting places. If you start in a town you'll often end up in some quiet, out of the way spot in the country. Some of them have really stuck in my mind - a rice padi on the island of Langkawi, a misty rural canal in Northern France. Now I take an iphone around with me I can even take a photo and spot my exact location on a map. I'm staying in digs in Lincoln for the next three weeks and this morning, before dawn, I put on my running shoes and headed out of the city down the Nettleham Road. Even at 6.30am there were lots of commuters driving into town. It was colder than I'm used to in Italy and so I ran a bit faster than usual, trotting through the outskirts of town past cut-price gyms and Pizza Huts in modern in...