Mount Kinabalu - Day Two

The night in the hostel on Mount Kinabalu was my second in a dormitory and therefore my second with virtually no sleep. I just can't get off when I'm surrounded by others shifting, snoring and farting into the small hours. Well, maybe it was me farting. I rose at two and dressed in warm clothes and a head torch hired from the hostel and at 3.00am I and my climbing companion Glynn, joined the throng for the procession to the summit. I'd met Glynn two days before and we'd decided to hire a Guide together, for companionship and to save costs. Glynn lives in Greenwich in London, near Sue and my old stamping ground Blackheath. In his early forties he'd casually mentioned he'd had a hip replacement only a few months back following a kick boxing injury. Glynn was one of many interesting folk I bumped into on the mountain, including Wally and Faye a retired couple from Australia and a strapping pair of Scandinavian girls, one from Finland and one ...