John Hartley - on Praise

John Hartley was a big man in every sense of the word. A man with a big appetite for life, lunch, booze and cigarettes. He was my acting tutor at drama school in the early nineties. John would sit, chain-smoking in the rehearsal room at East 15 watching our attempts at Chekhov with an expression both intense and inscrutable. On one occasion one of us fluffed a line and John exclaimed exultantly: "At last something f*****g interesting's happened. Just for a moment I actually got the impression that you weren't reading from a f*****g script!" John could be a harsh critic, although I think he saw it as being kind. Acting is a brutal profession and if you can't embrace criticism and carry on in the face of near constant rejection you are dead. He was especially eloquent on the subject of praise: "Praise f***ks you up darlings." (Pause to take a deep drag on cigarette and exhale filling the room with a yellow smog). "Critici...