Into the Rainforest

"Rainforest" is such an emotive word. In ecospeak it's collocated with "depredation" and "global warming". Seemingly it contains all that's good, including a few naked, pot-bellied humans, so wise they hide from the rest of humanity, apart from the odd photo opportunity with Sting (by these standards I must be very bad, liking humanity and only wanting to hide from Sting). Apparently, chopping rainforest down is a wholly evil act, akin to rape, worse even than plagiarism, in the minds of middle-class western liberals. Before I got to Borneo I learned that it has one of the largest areas of rainforest in the world and also one of the fastest shrinking. Since I arrived I've kept my eye out for it, not sure exactly what I'm looking for. It's so warm and humid here everything that isn't dead is green and if you concentrate hard enough you can actually see things grow. Can these trees next to the main road be rainforest? Sure...