One of Those Moments

It's hot, hot, hot, right now. Even for Borneo. The last two or three days have been almost cloudless, allowing the Sun to suffuse the countryside with a buttery yellow light and making the temperature almost unbearable. Yesterday evening Sue's colleague Catherine invited me on a cycle ride to a nearby longhouse which she had visited recently and where there was a promising bike trail. About ten kilometres out of Saratok we turned up a backroad which quickly became a dirt track. It was hard work with the Sun still above the tree line and passing four-wheel drives throwing up clouds of dust, their occupants peering at us inquisitively, then smiling and waving. Eventually we came to a turning off the track down to a longhouse, which to my surprise turned out to be the one of which my friend Ambrose is Headman. I had been taken there by Ambrose about three months ago and could not remember the way back. The picture above was taken ...