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Suddenly the emotional string that connects me to my Dad got pulled too tight and I had to step on a plane, well several actually, to see him. After six months in hospital following a pointless knee operation, which he wheedled out of the NHS with great skill and determination, he was discharged home with an "intensive home care package" and from our 'phone conversations it sounded like he was struggling to cope. In fact, by the time I got to Lincoln, tired and jet-lagged following a thirty-odd hour journey, the initial crisis had passed and he was beginning to adapt to his new wheelchair bound existence. Far from being a sick man awaiting my succour, he greeted me as if my arrival was a pleasant surprise motivated by my desire to see him rather than by his desperate circumstances. I felt conned and manipulated like I have been so many times before. Then I felt guilty for feeling exasperated that he didn't seem more sick than he was. I've given myself ...