Action Stations

The day after my last post Sue got confirmation of her job in Borneo along with a whole raft of information, so we are now running around like maniacs. Sue sets off for Kota Kinabalu from Bari Airport on Friday. Last weekend we spent booking tickets and pouring over Google Earth at the 20 possible postings Sue had to chose from. She finally settled on Mukah a small fishing town in Sarawak. Originally I planned to join her before Christmas, but already I can feel the pull of a new adventure and hope to depart by the end of November if possible. This would mean leaving Puglia in mid October to go to the UK where my current plan is to do my British Humanist Society celebrant training and a one month Teaching English as a Foreign Language course in Brighton. I feel scared and disorientated by the speed with which all this is happening and I will be sad to see Sue off on Friday, even though we will hopefully see each other again before November is out. The local spe...