
While travelling the West coast we decided to anchor and go ashore at Algajola, a tiny resort where we had spent a happy two-week holiday about six years ago at the “Hotel de la Plage”. While anchoring a man swam out and asked us a question in French with a heavy Franglais accent. “Parlez vous Anglais?” I asked. “Yes” he said, slightly put out. We chatted for a while and it turned out he had a Corsican girlfriend and was also a Dorothy Carrington fan. Later we met them both at the “Hotel de la Plage” for a drink and it turned out they had taken Dorothy C out to lunch a couple of years previously, not long before she died. His description was of a formidable English upper class lady, known throughout the island as “Lady Rose” who spoke grammatically perfect French, but with a militantly English accent. Looking back it’s a shame we didn’t swap contact numbers.