Getting Ready for the Season

Yes, we’re still in Ameglia. I haven’t written for a while as we’ve actually been really busy. We have been out of the water for over three weeks now, catching up on winter maintenance and doing our bit for the local black economy. Hopefully we will go back in the water next week, then spend a week or two saying our goodbyes before heading South to Elba, Corsica and Sardinia. February and early March were spent entertaining visitors and visiting our friends Bernie and Sarah in Montpelier and since then we’ve been in the boat park scraping and sanding and painting. Looking back over past newsletters I’ve noticed an insidious “Year in Provence” tendency creeping into them. You know, “aren’t the locals quaint and aren’t we so lucky to have the wisdom and perspicacity to be doing this, blah, blah, blah”. As an antidote, I have to say that living in a boat out of the water is not particularly romantic. Using a sea toi...